Mary’s Programs in More Detail

(Any of Mary’s offerings can extend to an individual, group, workshop or conference).

mary with katya in studio

Mary in her studio in Connecticut working with Kateryna Smirnova from Kiev, Ukraine. Photo taken by Kateryna’s husband Oleg.

6 quick and easy ways to connect with Mary

1) Exchange emails– at either

2) Schedule a SKYPE session with Mary – Mary Bowen18
to start the work or (to get more acquainted)

3) Schedule a 3-hour INTENSIVE with Mary in NYC, CT or MA
for Pilates Plus Psyche - Pilates Only – or Psyche Only
Use email address or CT phone 860-663-2111

4) (Mary’s favorite for depth of work) Schedule a weekend, 2 full days, 14 hours,
1-1 INTENSIVE MENTORING WITH MARY covering everything!

5) BRING MARY TO YOUR SITE, world-wide, for 4-5 days of group workshops and private sessions.


Learn about the ultimate mind body connection- “Pilates Plus Psyche”

1. Pilates Only

involves the entire Pilates repertoire and the teaching of it. Mary teaches mostly as a Mentor for Pilates teachers but not exclusively. She will take on a special client at any age or from any profession. Example: a young injured dancer or a professional retired individual with time finally to take care of “oneself.” You can email Mary to set up a meeting.
Schedule an “Intensive” with Mary

2. Psyche Only

Mary interview video talking

(Video 3:47) Mary discusses the Structure of the Psyche

Involves psychoanalytical work with a client’s conscious and unconscious psyche, with analysis of dreams and life problems of all sorts. These sessions can be in person at any of her three locations (NY, CT and MA) or by Skype or phone.
Schedule “Psyche” sessions with Mary

3. Pilates Plus Psyche

Pilates Plus Psyche offering

(Video1:43) Mary discussing her unique Pilates Plus Psyche offering


Addresses your whole person, your whole psyche, conscious and unconscious. Mary began her practice as a Jungian psychoanalyst in 1970. Five years later she was asked to teach Pilates, having practiced the method for 16 years at that time. Romana gave her permission to teach starting in 1975, now 42 years ago and ongoing. For 20 years Mary maintained her two professions as parallel and separate. Not anticipating any combination of the two, in 1995 the psychoanalyst was needed in a Pilate’s session and was so helpful that this combination became Mary’s unique signature contribution to the Pilates world community – Pilates Plus Psyche. There is a structure to the psyche. In 1-1 sessions Pilates Plus Psyche develops organically and spontaneously from where the client is in each session. It grows naturally.

For groups, workshops and conferences Mary is often asked to teach Jungian Typology, how we can discover our type or the type of any specific other, i.e. client, partner, staff member, etc. Typology is a practical tool in the teaching of Pilates. A Pilate’s teacher needs to learn to “teach” differently depending upon the typology of the client. “Learning” is also different depending upon the type of oneself and anyone else. To know this material is to grow in understanding…in expertise as a Pilates teacher and in acceptance of and confidence in yourself! Most difficult problems in studios or with clients is due to typological differences not understood.

Mary’s favorite venue for Pilates Plus Psyche is a whole weekend, two full days, 14 hours of 1-1 Mentoring with Mary on Pilates Plus Psyche, on everything that comes up. These weekends take place mainly in Northampton, MA. This amount of time given to oneself becomes transformational.

To know this material is to grow in understanding, in expertise as a Pilates teacher and in confidence in yourself!
Schedule “Pilates Plus Psyche” with Mary

“Mary is the most senior Pilates Elder and Master Teacher who knew and studied with Joseph Pilates and Clara”